Senior members of Pembrokeshire County Council have supported a call to make fireworks less frightening to animals.

The council’s Cabinet, meeting on February 13, considered a notice of motion from county councillor Alistair Cameron.

Cllr Cameron’s notice read: “Council resolves to write to the Welsh Government urging them to follow the Scottish Government’s lead in introducing tighter regulations and consideration of others over the use of fireworks.”

His notice urged the Welsh Government to discuss with the RSPCA and other stakeholders four measures.

  • A limit on the sale of fireworks for Bonfire Night from October 29 to November 5, and a limit on the days they can be let off;
  • Enabling councils to introduce firework control zones to provide better protection to vulnerable people and animals;
  • Investigate introducing a licensing system for the purchase and sale of fireworks by and to members of the public in order to place a sensible limit on access to fireworks;
  • Reduce the maximum permitted noise level of fireworks for public sale from 120dB to 90dB.

A supporting statement by Cllr Cameron read: “The Scottish Government has gone beyond the UK-wide firework regulations and introduced additional measures to restrict the amount of fireworks which can be sold to the public and limit the times when they can be used. This is intended to improve public safety and alleviate animal distress.

“The RSPCA is not calling for an outright ban, simply tighter regulations and consideration of others.”

Cabinet members, meeting on February 13, heard that, in order to implement the terms of the notice there would need to a change to the existing legislative framework.

However, it was recommended Cabinet support the notice to improve controls on the promotion and management of public firework displays and agree to lobby Welsh and UK governments for stronger regulation of fireworks.

At the February 13 meeting, Cllr Alistair Cameron said: “Anybody who has a pet dog knows how sensitive they are to loud noises; the notice doesn’t seek to ban fireworks but just brings in stronger controls.”

He conceded that the Senedd did not currently have the powers to legislate on the matter.

Councillor Michelle Bateman said: “It’s hard to disagree with any of the points,” adding: “I support the notice of motion within the boundaries of what we are able to do.”

Cllr Cameron’s notice of motion – with the amendments – was unanimously supported.


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