Short-stay parking charges to use the majority of Pembrokeshire’s paid-for car parks are set to double following a decision by senior councillors.

A report for members of Pembrokeshire County Council’s Cabinet, meeting on February 13, recommended most all-year car parks in the county would see the rise for one hour parking go up from 50p to £1, with smaller proportionate increases  – and even reductions in some cases – for longer stays.

It also recommended increases in permit charges at many car parks and smaller increases at seasonal charging car parks.

Another proposed development is the introduction of a pay and display car park at County Hall, Haverfordwest.

Cabinet Member for Residents’ Services  Councillor Rhys Sinnett said the rises were “not a simple let’s raise everything to deal with the financial situation”.

“We’ve tried to minimise this as much as possible, car parking is an asset that needs to be maintained. We have in the county 95 car parks but only 36 of these have charges levied on them but yet we have to maintain the other 59.”

Between 7am and 5pm it will be restricted to County Hall permit holders only, a report for members said, adding that outside this period, and at weekends and bank holidays it would be used as a Pay and Display.

Members supported recommendations that the changes are introduced from April 3, and that a pay and display is introduced at County Hall, Haverfordwest.

Key points include:

  • Increasing current 50p per  hour for town centre car parks. Town centre car parks still have lower tariffs than coastal car parks to assist in town centre footfall;
  • Current seasonal charging car parks will remain free parking from November 1 to February 28;
  • Permits will be available for regular users of car parks;
  • Pop and Shop free parking bays will remain;
  • Town centre car parks charges for all day duration will be lower in proportion to short-stay charges;
  • Coastal car parks charges have been increased to support turnover and to assist with peak demand;
  • Current free car parks will not be impacted.

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