Ceredigion grass cutters are adopting the ‘meadows revolution’ this summer with the council's grassy areas only being given a ‘visibility cut’ between now and mid July.

The Council says it is "fully embracing No Mow May and beyond" for larger open spaces, including some of the formal areas along with many roadside verges.

After mid July a more traditional style of cutting will resume, with a full cut and collect of the areas.

"Over the next couple of years, this change in the mowing will improve the diverse range of flora and fauna within our urban green estate," said a council spokesperson.

"After mid-July each site that has received the marginal/visibility cut, will be subject to an inspection to evaluate if it is ready for cutting, to ensure that the majority of wildflower in the sward has finished flowering.

"This may mean that some areas are not cut until August or even September.

"This change is driven by the need to reduce our impact upon the environment and to do things differently.

"In the early part of the season, we will be cutting reduced volumes of grass and making fewer vehicular movements disposing of the grass, which will have a positive impact on the local and wider environment.

"Later in the season we will be using some of that saved resource to cut and collect the grass. Most of the grass is composted locally."

The ‘meadows revolution’ has been warmly embraced by the Welsh Government which is eager to see towns and villages revive their wildflower meadows.

These have been on the decline for many years with, nationally, 97 per cent having been lost since the 1930s.  This equates to the equivalent of three million hectares (7.5 million acres).

“The new regime is great for the local environment and supports our efforts to safely manage all of our grassed areas,” commented cabinet member for highways and environmental services Keith Henson.

"The approach adopted provides a balance between protecting habitats, public safety and maintaining the aesthetic benefit of managing this land."

Ceredigion residents are also being urged to allow the wildflowers in their own lawns to grow freely to assist pollinators, tackle pollution and lock away atmospheric carbon below ground.

“Wildflowers in your lawn so they can grow wild and provide a feast for pollinators, tackle pollution, and lock away atmospheric carbon below ground,” added Cllr Henson.

"The approach adopted provides a balance between protecting habitats, public safety and maintaining the aesthetic benefit of managing this land."

Feedback can be sent to the customer services team at Clic, which can be contacted on 01545 570 881 or by email on http://clic@ceredigion.gov.uk